Dunbar Updates: Take Care Initiative & End of Life Care Partnership

Take Care Partnership: The Take CareCampaign is a national initiative, led by The Healthy US Collaborative and Impact Media Partners, that inspires people to re-imagine their health through storytelling of inspiration and transformation featured in short documentary films. Tucson is one of 3 cities chosen to pilot the program, and Dunbar is serving as one of the chairs. Events will consist of a short film centered on health & wellness, group discussion and a hands-on activity (yoga, cooking demo, etc.).

The next event will be taking place August 29th at the El Pueblo Senior Center.

Photo: Desiree Gonzales, Operations Manager at the Dunbar Pavilion.

Photo: Desiree Gonzales, Operations Manager at the Dunbar Pavilion.

Photo: Desiree leads the Take Care Initiative team in a hasta uttanasana.

Photo: Desiree leads the Take Care Initiative team in a hasta uttanasana.

Arizona End of Life Care Partnership: Dunbar received a grant from the Lovell Foundation to partner with the Arizona End of Life Care Partnership Our volunteers have been trained to lead and facilitate their "Honoring a Life: Advanced Care Planning" workshop this fall. We are extremely excited about the progress of the program and can’t wait to provide you with dates. Check out calendar for more information.